2009年5月13日 星期三


It's a long time not to update this website.Well let's talk about something happened around me.
I have still stayed in ER in KMUH where is such a bullshit place.In my working room,everyone is selfish guy .They just finish their "work" but do'nt focus on caring patients in ER.As we talk condition of patients to next shift workers,they only care about permittment signature and lable on fluid supplying to patients.If you do'nt do that , you need to make these up.Furthermore,if this patient needs to be admitted,these selfish guys will ask you to transfer him to observation area where patients are collected to wait for wards whther the place is crowded or not.Thet don't care their partners can complete their duties or not,they only want to loosen their burden.
I hate those guys ,and i really run away as far as i can.

2008年10月9日 星期四


分手之後 我總是念著妳的好

就像妳曾說過的 "總有一天 我會知道妳曾經對我的用意"

只是到現在 每次的對談 妳總是表達著"我們的分開是我的問題"

我不能在妳需要安慰的時候給予妳支持;這些都已經發生了 你又能改變什麼?

我真的沒有認真的對妳嗎?我問了我自己 如果沒有 為什麼值到現在我還是念著妳

原來 到現在 我是不適合愛情的!

2008年9月17日 星期三

A kind of love is called Let it Go!

分手了一年 現在的我知道 原來 我不在妳身邊 其實妳過的比較快樂

考了2次的公費考 在我們分手的那年 妳終於考上了

在妳的認知裡 我始終不贊成,不支持妳去日本

但 我知道 我心裡是希望妳去的 因為 我不希望妳因為我而放棄了妳的夢想

我會支持妳的 我會幫妳處理老家的事情 我真的這麼打算 ....

現在支持著我了解你離開我最大的力量是 妳讓我知道妳過的比以前快樂

妳也告訴我 我們不要再連絡 這是對彼此最好的生活

妳也告訴我 如果可以回到4年前 妳寧願選擇不要認識我

這些話 我都聽進去了

謝謝妳 特地的告訴我這些 我知道妳想讓我斷了對妳的思念與期待

謝謝妳 在分手了之後還這麼特地的為我想

我真的很開心曾經被妳愛過 而我也是如此曾經的愛過妳

竹塘的聖誕節 我想這輩子沒有機會了 對不起 我沒做到對妳的承諾

那鍋雞湯 那盤茄汁義大利麵 以及甜點的綠豆湯 是我這輩子吃過最好吃的 謝謝妳

Something happened between us . I never forgot what i ever hurt you.Someone belonged with

each other but i chosed to destroy her.I still have remembered that until now.Keeping punishing

on myself.Guilty cross just on my side ,because everthing is my fault.So Gyoku ,please just let it

go..I will take all responsibility in the rest of my life.I hope you can have wonderful future ,

no tragedy,no sad.And find a real man who can take all care of you and love you so deeply like


2008年8月31日 星期日


hmm~~recently i was busy in translating ESI ,as someone asked me to do that.While i studied
this,I spend lots of time reviewing Luckmans' core Principle and Practice of Medical-Surgical
Nursing to make ESI-trnslated text better.I refind a lot of knowledge of nursing ,especially in
Neurology containing neuro exam ,motor assessment ,sensory perception and orientation of person,time,speech.
OK,let's review one words which occupied large part of describing neuro sings :
Cushing's Triad:(1)increase in difference of systolic blood pressure(SBP) and diastolic pressure over the time (2)bradycardia (3)abnormal respiratory pattern.

2008年8月24日 星期日

Diary or Diarrhea?

Firstly , congratulation for my first diary in English.The strong purpose to do this is to practice writing English ,which is the hardest part in my IELTS exam.
Diary means wrinting something to express your emotions , thinkings and miscellaneous.That can't only reflect on yourself but also release your pressure. However,it's quite difficult to continue keeping this habbit.That require enormous patient and stamina (guts) .
Diarrhea is the word to keep passing water stool .Here i just use for express my bad mood which is non-stoping.I know that's a strange example ,but i cant's find the other suitable vecaburary.
To describe so much boring sentense,I just can't sleep . Cheers!!!


不免俗的再來一張背景圖片 .....



亂了 ,一切的一切都亂了套,像是說好似的;一瞬間一切的一切開始失去了原有的步調



I just stay here that's the only thing i want to do!

i could'nt find the way to solve these problems.

Losw confidence;Lose myself!

2008年8月4日 星期一

ParTNeR...part 2

趁著這幾天 心情需要些正面的刺激時 再來講講我的partner吧!!

這次要介紹的是ER唯二的兩根草的另一根 (一根當然是我了~"~)

先說說 為什麼要放他的這張照片...因為很簡單 他的人就像這張照片這麼的....哈哈


感覺很鄉土味的一個老大哥 實際上卻很照顧人的家偉

外表雖然感覺很粗枝大葉 但實際上的應對進退跟細心 是我望塵莫及的部份

在他的照顧下 我想我才會繼續的待在高醫 畢竟 這樣的一個地方 少了一個知己 一個伙伴


所以 羊肉爐吧 嚴老大.......

PS: 我的車還要靠你囉~~~